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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Circuit City: And Now It's Dead

It goes out with a pained mumble—not quite a whisper, definitely not a bang. Today, after 50 years, Circuit City no longer exists. A moment of silence is in order. We (and others) have already said goodbye quite a bit: • Best Buy Says Goodbye• Circuit City Employees' Final Words as Circuit City Employees• Their Dignity Is Not for Sale... Well, Nevermind• Why Circuit City Closed...

XRoad G-Map iPhone navigation map gets reviewed, patted on the back

While the world waits for a tried-and-true navigation app from Apple, XRoad is taking advantage of the situation by offering up its G-Map app in the interim. Kicking Tires decided to take the new software for a spin, and while the map quality took a pretty harsh beating, the overall offering was highly praised. More specifically, not every street name was present during testing,...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hulu blocks boxee browser entirely, gloves get ripped halfway off

As a wise man once said: "Damn, that's just cold, son." Merely hours after boxee announced its latest alpha build along with RSS feed support for Hulu, said video portal has now blocked off boxee's browser entirely from accessing its content. If you'll recall, boxee saw a huge increase in interest when it first added easy access to Hulu, and once Hulu demanded that it be...

All Circuit City stores closing permanently on March 8th

To an icon in the consumer electronics retail space, we wave goodbye. And for the hordes of employees already / soon to be looking for new uniforms elsewhere, we empathize. Circuit City has just announced that on March 8th, all of its stores will lock up for the last time. Granted, some locations have already shut their doors in permanent fashion due to stock depletion, but...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

New SportsDawgz Blog

Sports Dawgz is a new sports blog and forum that I helped put together. I helped with the blog, but didn't do anything with the forum. Sports Dawgz has the latest and greatest sports news. Be sure to check it out.www.sportdawgz....

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