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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tutorial: How to use the Hauppauge 45 (or 34) button remote with XBMC or other apps

Here is how to add control for the Hauppauge 45 button remote with remote.ini file. I believe this will also work with the 34 button Hauppauge remote but not tested. This is for Windows only.First you need to locate the remote.ini file in 'C:\Windows' and open it with you text editor of choice. (ie. Notepad) Backup this file.Scroll down until you get to the following:[Applications]Default=WinTV Remote=;Win/TV+=;Win/TV=WinTV32=WinTV32(1)=WinTV32(2)=WinTV32(3)=WinTV32(4)=WinTV32(5)=WinTV32(8)=WinTV32(9)=WinTV32(10)=WinTV32(11)=WinTV32(12)=FullScreen=PVRFullScreen=*task*=;*suspend*=EPGdemo=VTplus=Create...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

XBMC Keyboard Controls

Here are the controls for the keyboard with XBMC PC. I thought these would be helpful for some.p=Playspace=pauseq=Queuex=Stopf=FastForwardr=Rewindperiod=SkipNextcomma=SkipPrevioustab=FullScreenleft=Leftright=Rightup=Updown=Downpageup=PageUppagedown=PageDownreturn=Selectenter=Selectbackspace=ParentDirm=ActivateWindow(PlayerControls)s=ActivateWindow(shutdownmenu)escape=PreviousMenui=Infomenu=ContextMenuc=ContextMenuprintscreen=Screenshotminus=VolumeDownplus=VolumeUp(0-9)=0-9backslash=ToggleFullScreenend=XBMC ShutD...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

MediaStream for XBMC

MediaStream is a skin for the XBMC media center, which means that users of XBMC can download it and use it as an alternative to the default look and feel that comes with the media center. (If you would like to find out more about XBMC please visit xbmc.org). MediaStream has been designed around a central concept that "Media is King", in other words the...

Monday, September 22, 2008

XBMC 'Atlantis' for PC, Mac and Linux

Team-XBMC is proud to announce the first cross-platform Beta version of XBMC media center for Linux, Mac OS X (Leopard and Tiger), Windows, and Xbox, in preparation for the upcoming stable release of XBMC, code named ‘Atlantis’. There are three important news items associated with this release:1. The first item that is new in this release is the brand new skin “PM3.HD”, a...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Navigon 2100 max free traffic

The Navigon 2100 max now offers there Traffic Service for free. Just go to the Navigon website to activate. I wish they would have had this before all the trouble I went through to get the 2100 max with free traffic together.http://navigonusa.c...

Friday, September 5, 2008

HTPC Software Thread - Overclock.net

I posted this over at overclock.net a while back. I thought I would put this here to help people out.PVR, DVR, HTPC, Media PC and Media Box is pretty much all the same thing. Here is a definition from wiki."A home theater PC (HTPC) or media PC is a convergence device that combines the functions of a personal computer and a digital video recorder. It is connected to a television or a television-sized computer display and is often used as a digital photo, music, video player, TV receiver and digital video recorder."All it is is a computer hooked...

The Right Lighting for Your Home Theater

August 22, 2008 | by Natalie Hope McDonald Audio and video are usually the first two key considerations most people think about when designing a home theater. But a third and no less integral attribute is lighting. The average home theater enthusiast may do a lot less thinking about lighting than they do the size of their screen or even about acoustics, but...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Comcast’s 250 GB Cap and Some Inside Info on Network Management

Karl Bode at Broadband Reports broke the news this morning (now confirmed) that Comcast will institute a 250GB bandwidth cap starting on October 1st. Nobody likes a cap, but as far as they go, this one’s pretty generous. It’s also far from unprecedented. Time Warner Cable made a lot of (negative) news when it started trialing a 40GB cap earlier in the year. But some of the smaller cable operators have been capping or metering for years. CableOne, for example, limits downloads and uploads during the time period between Noon and Midnight. The base...

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